Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What Is Difference Between Flip Ultra And Mino

May 17, International Day Against Homophobia, transphobia and biphobia

International Organizations have celebrated progress in the last year compared to the situation of LGBT minorities worldwide.

Since May 17, 1990 the World Health Organization stopped considering homosexuality as an illness, is held every year in that period, the International Day Against Homophobia, transphobia and biphobia.

Today we celebrate all that has been achieved in the last year, but also reminds all that is needed to achieve during the next to lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual people can enjoy the same rights and with the same treatment as heterosexuals.

Antonio Poveda, president of the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB), said that "equality is a task for all citizens, and local and regional governments must also work to promote it and commit to not to take one step back. Rights, we can only progress. Therefore, we also recall that the right to marriage between same sex, made in Spain in 2005, is one of the best tools to combat LGTBfobia.

related organizations have taken advantage of the celebration FELGTB International Day Against Homophobia, transphobia and biphobia to remember the work that remains to be done in Africa, where 37 of the 53 countries comprising the continent still hold discriminatory laws.

The president of the LGBT Coordinator Sunflower Sea Cambrollé and president of the Ab-lesgay, José Luis Sánchez have complained that "the persecution of homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality also has implications for spread of the pandemic of AIDS because HIV can be prevented in the same-sex sexual practices if you can not talk about them. Any HIV activist at risk of being persecuted for advocating homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality or go to jail. "

COGAM, Arcópoli and colleagues have also expressed their joy at the progress made in the past year, have valued the work done, and have celebrated the International Day against LGTBfobia.

Arcópoli has secured the support of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Polytechnic University of the struggle for equality of citizens , positioning, both a flag sexual diversity in the Student House, the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology and the Faculty of Computer Science of the UPM.

The State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB) , has issued a manifesto with the support of all the associations that form the federation:

"The May 17 is the day that is dedicated to internationally recognition of the fight against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia. So today is a day to remember David, killed at his home after appearing in a newspaper in his native Uganda where he was visible as gay and called his death a fellow Kasha, raped repeatedly to stop being a lesbian, the same sentence that had to South African Noxolo suffer before being killed just a few weeks ago, Stephen and Tiwonge, sentenced to 14 years in prison after your wedding in Malawi, a Lourence, harassed and publicly humiliated by the police for loving another man in Kenya , exactly the same crime committed in prison in Cameroon 35. Meanwhile, and LGBT rights activists in Africa are risking their lives, their integrity, to improve the situation of a group harassed, persecuted, from political, religious and social. But not just in African countries.

Central and South America also in the murders of transsexuals, transvestites, gays and bisexuals are a constant, as is violence, harassment, legal discrimination and social exclusion they experience.

Therefore, today, May 17, we show solidarity especially with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and transvestite in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.

have to scream loudly. The LGTBfobia, hatred and contempt for lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual men, kill, and does in many ways. Not only guns drawn, also causing and facilitating between us and our various health problems. HIV prevention is impossible in an environment LGTBfóbico not allowed to talk about sexual health, which is not allowed to talk about emotional and sexual relationships between same sex, stigmatized, discriminated and marginalized people living with HIV.

The LGTBfobia is harmful to our health because in many cases has led and still leads the young and not so young to commit suicide because they find another way out of the suffering they cause, because they feel their lives are meaningless. Suicide rates in the LGBT bend, or even triple, that of other groups at risk of social exclusion.

But May 17 is not just a day to remember, but also a day for action. It is a day to demand that the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are part of the demands for recognition of human rights that are accompanying the riots in support of democracy in the so-called Arab Spring in Egypt, Syria and Yemen, the Finally one of the nine countries that have death penalty for people who love someone of the same sex.

We demand the Government of Spain to work more actively for life and the rights of LGBT people are respected internationally, promoting the legal recognition of their civil rights and that is to realize its right to health.

Equality is work for all citizens, and local and regional administrations should also work for promotion and undertake not to take one step back. Rights, we can only progress. Therefore, we also recall that the right to marriage between same sex, made in Spain in 2005, is one of the best tools to combat LGTBfobia. An instrument that has provided dignity, safety, security and confidence of thousands of people and their families, and therefore, the PP should remove the constitutional challenge presented: simply because it is an affront to the desire for equality of English citizens endorsed by the Constitution.

Today, May 17, Day against LGTBfobia, claim, therefore, the end of all discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and recognize that legal equality is the most effective mechanism to combat it. We are committed to moving forward. LGTBfobia fighting is the struggle of all men and it is our struggle. "Christancar@hotmail.es


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