Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How To Wakeup Unblocked Nose

OSTRICH HEAD CONTACT SEMINAR "Agility, lightness and awareness,"

Seminar: "agility, lightness and awareness, "

· Dancing in the comfortable, to be more agile and light without reaching the limit.
· Develop more sensitive to the subtle difference.
· Learn without extra physical effort and cross pleasurable movements. Enrich
· patterns of movement and contact improvisation dance possibilities. • Be a baby
exprimentando new.

When: Course 1: Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 March 1919 to 22hs.
Where: House Hold Catalina. July 28 Jr. 277, ravine. The
: S/.150.

Guy Barel
Israeli Contact Improvisation ArgentinaBailando Redican in more than 10 years, studying condiferentes teachers in Argentina and abroad. in good airesparticipa with some research groups in contact and laimprovisación.Se dedicated to practicing bodywork of CI, capoeiraAngola, yoga, tai chi chuan, Pilates, Thai massage techniques including the method body deconciencia Feldenkrais, yexplora investigates the field of dance and movement aware yexpresivo.Es physio and osteopathy student.
you tube:

CONTACT: Nico Saez Yano (98) 128 * 7071 -
nico.saez. yano@gmail.com
247 5860 Reports
Jr. July 28 277 - Barranco (the back of the Library Barranco)


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