Saturday, March 19, 2011

How Long Does Tamazepam Take To Kick I

Comrades: the Monday March 21 is coming to Chile "The Nobel Peace Prize" Obama. Already recococido by the government that practically the focus of this visit is the establishment of a set of discussions, agreements, firms and businesses whose sole purpose installation in our country seismic some nuclear power plants. And this is not for many years, speaks of the possibility of lifting the first of her 8 years. This offends our country and people, especially in light of the misfortune that hits the Japanese people today. But not only offends, but in fact is an act of criminal irresponsibility of the ruling class in Chile which obviously seen in these (as in all other things in life) a big deal for them and the companies involved this lethal "development? energetic. The only thing that can stop this crime of the future is the people conscious, organized and mobilized. This is a historic opportunity to begin to manifest itself in various ways to stop this brutality to our country. But we mobilize now, probably in the future, new generations will wonder what happened to their ancestors that allowed this criminal action. A hard to give all lobbyists want to convince us today that Chile could not come up with something similar to Japan. Members Tarud, Lobos and many others who probably are now engaged in the nuclear business, like many other politicians, "experts" up to the Showbiz opinólogos Chilean who dare to defend the feasibility of nuclear Chile. Hard with them. You can not defend the indefensible.
> We invite everybody to express the day MONDAY 21 AT 13:00 HRS. ANIBAL PINTO EN CONCEPCION-BAR to repudiate and denounce the business that brings the Emperor Obama, one of the biggest frauds in U.S. history with his election tried to improve its international image badly tarnished by the militarist action Bush. Obama is no different, even more dangerous because they are not gullible few who bought and buy the image of the black man who acts as the whites of the United States deeper.


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