write this in the morning announced the death of Nestor Kirchner, and I hope I'm wrong. But I feel pain and fear, and I need to express it.
I think these days will be Feis, with a carnival of hypocrisy in Congress, and will see. The dead politicians are going to be there with their jetas undaunted. The government raised earlier. The professional toady now say "dissidents." Frivolous and that daily draw garcas Rudi and Dany.
All of them and them. Faces of plastic, cast iron, hardened feces. Secretly applauded by those who are emitting mails of fierce joy.
We'll see on TV, I see already in this sunny afternoon here in the Chaco, at least as bright as for a better cause. I was never
Kirchner. Nestor never saw in person, I was never in the same place with him. Even I voted in 2003. And he said the only time I phoned to ask me to accept being Argentine ambassador in Cuba.
always said and wrote that I liked his style half rascal, that informality that characterized provocative. His way of doing politics as Peronist clear water collecting used oil and slimy. But what I regard as, with a power that it did not quickly take measures that Argentina needed and we were almost all clamoring for. And count them now, because in the immediate future I think we'll have to highlight these counts to make a difference.
was he or his government, and now Cristina:
"Whoever changed Public Policy Human Rights in Argentina. Nothing less. Now some say that being "tired" of the matter, as long as others criticized was a more declarative than anything else. But Nestor did it: what began and was consistent. And so he earned the respect of millions.
"The man who changed the Supreme Court, and no matter if after the Court has failed to change to justice in Argentina.
"The man who opened the files of secret services and thereby shifted the trial of the terrorist attacks in the Jewish community in the '90s.
, who regained control junk mail, Water, Airline.
"The man who sought and achieved the invalidation of laws that prevented the truth and punish perpetrators of genocide.
"The man who changed our foreign policy by ending the limping carnal and other antics.
"The man who arranged a consistent and progressive educational policy as we did not have for decades, and changed the infamous Federal Education Law Menem by the current, which is democratic and inclusive.
That began to change policy towards teachers and retirees, who for years were the two most backward sectors of the country wage.
-The which reversed the policy of defense, so now this country begins to have a different military, democratic and subject to political power for the first time in its history.
"He who began a plural in Culture Management, which now covers the whole country and not just the City of Buenos Aires.
"The one who started the first tax reform in decades, which still lacks a lot but now can record collections.
, who renegotiated the foreign debt and ended the dictatorship of the IMF stupid. And for the first time the Central Bank manages a national policy and foreign record.
"The one who settled the infamous business of the administrators and recovered for the state welfare.
"The one with the new media law began to limit the absolute power of the dictatorship of private newspaper that still distorts the heads of millions of compatriots.
"The driving force behind the Equal Marriage Act and maintains a policy against discrimination as ever had.
"He who has been managing economic growth the highest in the world with clear industrial recovery, stability of almost a decade and declining unemployment. And it goes further, because the new law on banks, ending one of these with the legacies of Martinez de Hoz and Cavallo. Nestor did. Along with Christina, who is still doing. With countless mistakes, of course. With blunders, corruptions and turbidity varied and some very irritating, officials unpresentable, useless and some aggressiveness you want to blame them, all that many as I declare kirchneristas difficult, or prevents us. But only the miserable forget that corruption is inherent in Argentina since the reinvented a thousand times damned dictators and Rioja ditto. So without justifying ill-gotten a penny to anyone at this time is to remind the entire nation that nobody, but nobody, and no since at least President Juan Peron between 46 and 55, produced so many profound and positive changes in national life. Let's see if anyone can say otherwise.
So tiny merits of this weak cross-eyed, cheeky, contradictory and walking lopsided, as the penguins.
Yes, I write this in pain and fear, in this fucking morning sun, and desolate, too, like millions of Argentines, just for this man that Estela de Carlotto just defined as "indispensable" and a little for us, our beloved and poor country.
and strengthen my request that Cristina care, and the city. Is upon us a tremendous year, with the dogs hungry and capable of anything to regain the power they had miserable and lost thanks to whom they derisively called "The K" and we, ordinary Argentines, citizens who do not eat dumplings poisoned by the press and Tele private media system, and from now on will probably be remembered as "Nestor and Cristina, who moved to Argentina."
Rest in peace, Nestor Kirchner, with all faults, defects and miseries if he had, but especially with its huge successes. And hold Cristina. You're not alone.
And the rest of us, to go through with. Or have we done anything in our lives and in this country?
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