Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Will Hiv Rash Appear Alone?

course, is that Italians have been modeled on the priests, the only real government they have had since the barbarians sodomizing one of the last emperor perverted Roman because Christianity weakened the old pride of race.

Priests ... How I met? In grandfather's house, I think, I have dark memories of fleeting glances, rotten teeth, heavy breaths, sweaty palms trying to caress the neck. Yuck. Idle, belong to the dangerous classes, as thieves and vagrants. One becomes priest or monk just to live in leisure, and entertainment are guaranteed it by its number. If there were, say, one for every thousand people, the priests would have so many chores that could not be lying to throw capons paunch while under his belt. And among the most unworthy priests, the government chooses the most stupid and appointed bishop.

begin to flutter around you at birth when I baptize you find them back in school, if your parents have been so blessed to entrust to them, then comes the first Communion, catechism, and confirmation , and that's the cure for your wedding day to tell you what to do in the bedroom and confession the next day to ask how many times I've done and be excited behind the lattice. We speak with horror of sex, but you see every day out of bed without even incestuous unwashed hands to go to eat and drink to his lord, and then cagarlo and mearle.

repeat that his kingdom is not of this world and put their hands on everything they can bully. Civilisation will never achieve perfection as the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest and the land is free of the mob.

Communists have spread the idea that religion is the opium of the people. It is true, because serves to curb the temptations of the subjects, and if there were no religion, would have twice as many people at the barricades, so in the days of the Commune was little, and could carry it without delay. Of course, having heard from the Austrian doctor of Colombian drug benefits, I would say that religion is the cocaine of the people, because he pushed and pushed religion to war, the killing of infidels, and this applies for Christians, Muslims and other idolaters, and if the blacks of Africa were once limited to killing each other, have become the missionaries and colonial troops have become, the most appropriate to die at the forefront, and to rape white women when they enter a city. Men never do evil so completely and enthusiastic as when they do religious belief.

(Excerpt from "The Cemetery of Prague" by Umberto Eco, Buenos Aires, Lumen, 2010, pp. 22-23)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Teletubbies Tap Shoes



Saturday, December 4, 2010

White Bump On Goldfish Lip

YEAR END SHOW 2010 on Hold Catalina ...! 2011 SUMMER WORKSHOPS

year and Hold ends and we celebrated with a sample of our adult courses, contemporary dance, aerial acrobatics.
Come and join us, ready to begin the 2011 ... Two unique features

Monday 6 and Tuesday 7
8pm at Casa Catalina Hold (July 28 Jr. 277) Barranco
10soles Grant (with all proceeds will put a new floor in the room circus)

spread the word!
I hope ...

For more information and pre-sale tickets: 247 5860

agarratecatalinaperu @ hotma il.com

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fred Perry Duffel Bag

Priests "We finally have a government with guts"

Carlos Indio Solari sent a letter to the President after the death of Nestor Kirchner: "I talked to Anibal Fernandez, who is ricotero, and explained that I saw a quantity of young people involved that moved me. That's what moved me to death, because it was not someone my intimate setting. "

" I was disappointed very young, he is not having a particular ideology by someone, I have this political engine. I am not a militant artist, but I respect those who do. An artist must have ideals, but I respect the militants. I basically left. I do not believe in ideologies, but people can get to implement those ideas.

I like to see a president who speaks of the way it does in the UN, and finally we have a government with the guts to face all the corporations at the same time "

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Examples Of Dental Hygiene Personal Statements

summer workshops for children

Registration opens

Catalina House Hold! Jr. July 28 # 277, Barranco. (On the back of the Library of Barranco).

Those who wish can make a reservation via email.


I appreciate warn those who may be interested.


Catalina Circo-Danza Hold
Jr . July 28 277, Barranco

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Happen To Katydids Candy

MERRY CHRISTMAS Market Competition headers the Hima-chan

I Competition header of the Hima-chan Mercadillode

1 - Be blog follower
2 - Send an original header for the blog The Market of Hima-chan (will not be accepted carrying Bleach, Naruto, etc)
3 - Delivery of November 25 to December 15, 2010 . Accept NOT do after the day job nigun December 15
4 - The winner will be announced on the blog in the next few days and will be notified by mail to the winner.
5 - winning header be part of the blog.
6 - In case you can not contact the winner, will nominate a winner will
7 - maximum exposure would be appreciated
1 - Send an email to mercadillodehimachan@gmail.com with: personal data (name and address), the URL profile blogger stating that it is a follower. Of course header attached.
2 - Indicate in the subject of the mail: MARKET COMPETITION
will consist in a lot of KLEINIGKEITEN comprising:
  • A purse (MEASURES: 19cm. High-26 cm. Widest part)
  • A patchwork guardapañuelo. Fabric Origami
  • A keychain
  • A pin

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pokemon Heart Gold Freezing


Tras más de veinte años de militancia en el peronismo tiré la toalla finalmente un día en los ´90 menemistas. Tanto dolor, tanta sangre, pensaba algo avergonzado, para terminar en esto. Y me fui con varios otros intentando dar un portazo que entre la bulla de odaliscas y los escapes de Ferrari nadie escuchó y al que nadie le dio demasiada bola.

Me consolaba la angustia imaginando a esas dos décadas de compromiso como tránsito hacia otra cosa. Y a ese pensamiento que me había apasionado -a sus ideólogos, a sus intelectuales- como pasillo, como fracaso que abriría otro sueño alguna vez. Me enfrié. Y un día que la biblioteca por causas naturales colapsó, ciertos estantes cada vez más polvorientos -Those of Hernandez Arregui Cooke-shelf fell to the floor, that to which the years and your waist will make you visit only when necessary. I here the confession and mea culpa.

passed few years. One day, when everything seemed to have been so from the south appeared this type. "We are children of the Mothers of the Plaza" he said. After lifting the box was the dictator. And he stood right against everyone ducked. Tamed political Meanwhile, with so little pet negligible economic power came out of nowhere a wild dream at last that he needed.
One morning due to the type I was browsing again geoculture of Kusch. Day Next I went back to culpable silence all his books at the height of the head that is where those who matter to you.

thanks intimate and late Nestor Kirchner, who returned to my books stature. Dignity. Which brought me back to me this faith in the present and the passion raging about its future.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

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late thanks to the victory always!

For Mempo Giardinelli
write this in the morning announced the death of Nestor Kirchner, and I hope I'm wrong. But I feel pain and fear, and I need to express it.

I think these days will be Feis, with a carnival of hypocrisy in Congress, and will see. The dead politicians are going to be there with their jetas undaunted. The government raised earlier. The professional toady now say "dissidents." Frivolous and that daily draw garcas Rudi and Dany.

All of them and them. Faces of plastic, cast iron, hardened feces. Secretly applauded by those who are emitting mails of fierce joy.

We'll see on TV, I see already in this sunny afternoon here in the Chaco, at least as bright as for a better cause. I was never

Kirchner. Nestor never saw in person, I was never in the same place with him. Even I voted in 2003. And he said the only time I phoned to ask me to accept being Argentine ambassador in Cuba.

always said and wrote that I liked his style half rascal, that informality that characterized provocative. His way of doing politics as Peronist clear water collecting used oil and slimy. But what I regard as, with a power that it did not quickly take measures that Argentina needed and we were almost all clamoring for. And count them now, because in the immediate future I think we'll have to highlight these counts to make a difference.

was he or his government, and now Cristina:

"Whoever changed Public Policy Human Rights in Argentina. Nothing less. Now some say that being "tired" of the matter, as long as others criticized was a more declarative than anything else. But Nestor did it: what began and was consistent. And so he earned the respect of millions.

"The man who changed the Supreme Court, and no matter if after the Court has failed to change to justice in Argentina.

"The man who opened the files of secret services and thereby shifted the trial of the terrorist attacks in the Jewish community in the '90s.

, who regained control junk mail, Water, Airline.

"The man who sought and achieved the invalidation of laws that prevented the truth and punish perpetrators of genocide.

"The man who changed our foreign policy by ending the limping carnal and other antics.

"The man who arranged a consistent and progressive educational policy as we did not have for decades, and changed the infamous Federal Education Law Menem by the current, which is democratic and inclusive.
That began to change policy towards teachers and retirees, who for years were the two most backward sectors of the country wage.

-The which reversed the policy of defense, so now this country begins to have a different military, democratic and subject to political power for the first time in its history.

"He who began a plural in Culture Management, which now covers the whole country and not just the City of Buenos Aires.

"The one who started the first tax reform in decades, which still lacks a lot but now can record collections.

, who renegotiated the foreign debt and ended the dictatorship of the IMF stupid. And for the first time the Central Bank manages a national policy and foreign record.

"The one who settled the infamous business of the administrators and recovered for the state welfare.

"The one with the new media law began to limit the absolute power of the dictatorship of private newspaper that still distorts the heads of millions of compatriots.

"The driving force behind the Equal Marriage Act and maintains a policy against discrimination as ever had.

"He who has been managing economic growth the highest in the world with clear industrial recovery, stability of almost a decade and declining unemployment. And it goes further, because the new law on banks, ending one of these with the legacies of Martinez de Hoz and Cavallo. Nestor did. Along with Christina, who is still doing. With countless mistakes, of course. With blunders, corruptions and turbidity varied and some very irritating, officials unpresentable, useless and some aggressiveness you want to blame them, all that many as I declare kirchneristas difficult, or prevents us. But only the miserable forget that corruption is inherent in Argentina since the reinvented a thousand times damned dictators and Rioja ditto. So without justifying ill-gotten a penny to anyone at this time is to remind the entire nation that nobody, but nobody, and no since at least President Juan Peron between 46 and 55, produced so many profound and positive changes in national life. Let's see if anyone can say otherwise.

So tiny merits of this weak cross-eyed, cheeky, contradictory and walking lopsided, as the penguins.

Yes, I write this in pain and fear, in this fucking morning sun, and desolate, too, like millions of Argentines, just for this man that Estela de Carlotto just defined as "indispensable" and a little for us, our beloved and poor country.

and strengthen my request that Cristina care, and the city. Is upon us a tremendous year, with the dogs hungry and capable of anything to regain the power they had miserable and lost thanks to whom they derisively called "The K" and we, ordinary Argentines, citizens who do not eat dumplings poisoned by the press and Tele private media system, and from now on will probably be remembered as "Nestor and Cristina, who moved to Argentina."

Rest in peace, Nestor Kirchner, with all faults, defects and miseries if he had, but especially with its huge successes. And hold Cristina. You're not alone.

And the rest of us, to go through with. Or have we done anything in our lives and in this country?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Shainia Twain Santa Clause 2

Gaston in Lima Elie

Trapecista with extensive experience in the Cirque du Soleil arrived in Lima to share their knowledge with our circus performers country.
22 to November 26

The workshop is aimed at intermediate level acrobats, ie with experience and mastery of a tool to conduct aerial and physical training today.
The workshop will be held from 22 to 26 November every day from 10am to 2pm at the headquarters of Agarrate Catalina, Jr. July 28 277 Barranco.
The cost of the workshop is S/.250 until Saturday 6 November. After this date registration will cost 300 soles. The amount covers the five-day workshop.
Entries will be accepted until Saturday 20 November. No registrations will be accepted after this date.
Interested persons should apply for registration form before payment, to the following addresses:

Phone: 993 745 272

Places are limited
Links on Gaston Elie:

Synchronized Trapeze Duo - Cirque Du Soleil Alegria Spectacle
Report - The Best World Trapecista
Gaston Elie and Casey Sabo - Report in Brussels

Gaston Elie About

Gaston Elie, born in Argentina , more professional trapeze 25 years of experience, has traveled the world participating in several projects linked to the circus arts, ten years of this experience with the prestigious Cirque du Soleil company.

comes from a circus family in Argentina, his first appearance as a trapeze artist was limited to nine years in circus family.

From 1980 to 1997, traveling through South America with Cirque de Paris, Argentina.

In 1998, two years after it was Circus Festival winner in Argentina and having participated in a hearing a year earlier for the large Canadian company, Gaston joins Cirque du Soleil , trained by André Simard , trainer of many artists in the National Circus School in Montreal, as well as Victor Fomine Gaston both prepare for the main event of the show Synchronized Trapeze " Joy .

From there, begins a world tour with this important company for ten years with which he reaches five continents.

Your job as a trapeze artist is complemented by the Artistic Director, was invited to participate under this category in the twenty-first Cirque Argentina, Beto Carrero World Theme Park in Brazil and the Great Festival Closing Gala Circus Polo, one of the most important international festivals of this genre.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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of 15 - October 24, 2010

On Friday October 15 premieres of contemporary performing arts show, "Mirror mirror. When found alone, multiply and make a troupe the conception of Uzategui Amelia Bonilla (The Juilliard School of New York) and Moyra Silva Rodríguez (Arts and Wanderings - PUCP).

be presented in the House Hang Catalina! (Jr. July 28 # 277, Barranco) in six unique functions 15 and 22 Friday, Saturday and Sunday 16 and 23, 17 and 24 at 8pm.
Saturdays 16 and 23 October will be a dialogue with the participating artists.

"Mirror, mirror," consists of individual works "Launching of Use on How Would You title this piece?" Uzátegui Amelia Bonilla and "Allegory of the four seasons and lost the essence" of Moyra Smith and restreno of "The TROUPE. Brownfield's show "(2008) collective creation, with interpretations of Mario Ballon, Moyra Smith and Jim Leyva. You can present the video installation and photographs of Ana Rosa Benavides, who has been accompanying the creators during rehearsals.

All works are drawn from research laboratories made by young artists in pursuit of their own language. This self-managed production is possible thanks to support from Catalina Hold! and sponsored by MOI - independent clothing.

Tickets: Adults: 20 soles.

Students and pensioners: 10 soles.

can reserve tickets by calling 247 - 5860 or

mail mail, espejoreflejoespectaculo@gmail.com .

Those interested can find more information in the profile "Hold Catalina" and "Panparamayo Theater" in Facebook.

appreciate your dissemination.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

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Mr. Vice President, depressing ...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

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Guardapañuelos made patchwork

Friday, October 1, 2010

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Bleach -CATALAN-

Volumes 1-30 SOLD

Volumes of 1-10

Volumes of 11-20

Volumes of 21-30

What's it going?

Kurosaki Ichigo is not a boy years quize ordinary ... can see spirits and has an innate touch with the beyond, which will bring out after meeting a Shinigami (angel of death) that gives a sword to match their skills. (SOURCE: Glénat )

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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Monday, September 6, 2010

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Guardapañuelos made patchwork